Claude Cuerrier coordinates the following three (3) Events:
- The Parnell & McLennan Bonspiels are Men only, two (2) teams from Lancaster, 2-8 ends played
back-to-back on the same day. * For Morrisburg and Lancaster one (1) Team Only.
- Inter-Clubs, Men only, two (2) Teams from Lancaster, each team plays 1-8 Ends in the morning
and 1- 8 Ends in the afternoon, lunch served.
- SENIORS, played in Ontario and Québec are open to Men, Women, and Mixed Teams, 1 – 8
Ender, cost $120.00 per team, full course meal, winning prizes, + 50/50. Fantastic socializing
with other clubs.
All persons 50 years of age and over in Ontario and Québec are considered SENIORS, as per the Curling Associations.
Any member of Lancaster Club can put in a team and advise me of your interest in participating in any of these Bonspiels.
Contact: Claude Cuerrier
[email protected]
Schedule 2023-2024
10-Nov | Friday | 1 | Cornwall | Seniors | 1 |
16-Nov | Thursday | 2 | Alexandria | Seniors | 1 |
21-Nov | Tuesday | 3 | Vankleek Hill | Seniors | 1 |
24-Nov | Friday | 2 | Morrisburg | Parnell | 1 |
30-Nov | Thursday | 2 | Pointe Claire | Seniors | 1 |
7-Dec | Thursday | 2 | Lacolle | Seniors | 1 |
12-Dec | Tuesday | 2 | Maxville | Inter-Club | 2 |
5-Jan | Friday | 2 | Cornwall | Parnell | 2 |
9-Jan | Tuesday | 3 | Valleyfield | Seniors | 1 |
18-Jan | Thursday | 2 | Huntington | Seniors | 1 |
19-Jan | Friday | 2 | Prescott | Parnell | 2 |
25-Jan | Thursday | 2 | Alexandria | Inter-Club | 2 |
30-Jan | Tuesday | 2 | Lachine | Seniors | 1 |
6-Feb | Tuesday | 2 | Royal Montreal | Seniors | 1 |
6-Feb | Tuesday | 2 | Vankleek Hill | Inter-Club | 2 |
14-Feb | Wednesday | 2 | Brownsburg | Seniors | 1 |
22-Feb | Thursday | 2 | Alexandria | Seniors | 1 |
23-Feb | Friday | 2 | Lancaster | Parnell | 1 |
27-Feb | Tuesday | 2 | Maxville | Seniors | 1 |
5-Mar | Tuesday | 3 | Lancaster | Seniors | 1 |
7-Mar | Thursday | 3 | Ormstown | Seniors | 1 |
19-Mar | Tuesday | 2 | Lancaster | Inter-Club | 1 |
22-Mar | Friday | 2 | Cornwall | McLennans | 2 |
27-Mar | Wednesday | 2 | Rosemére | Seniors | 1 |